Prestige School is pleased to welcome all of our students, new and old, for the 2024/2025 school year.
The first couple of weeks went smoothly, and students and teachers are adjusting well. The beginning of a new year means a fresh start and an opportunity to set new goals to improve and develop your learning skills. Let’s make this school year the best one we’ve ever had!
We would like to welcome our new staff members to the Prestige School family:
Ms. Katrina – SK Teacher
Mme. Fiona – Elementary French Teacher
Mr. Jake – Physical Education Teacher
As a reminder, Prestige School has an enforced dress code. Students must wear the school crested white top and school navy dress pants or skirt. Sweaters and vests need to have the school crest. The physical education uniform must also be the school crested t-shirt and shorts.
Students are not allowed to wear colourful sweaters to school. Students can save these unique clothing items for casual day at the end of each month.
Thank you for your cooperation!
We are excited to announce that this year, Prestige School is introducing many new clubs! To provide a variety of options, we’ve organized the clubs into three streams: Creative and Recreational, Sports, and Academic. Students can choose clubs that best fit their schedules and are encouraged to pick ones that align with their passions.
Sign-up forms were sent out last week. Please fill out the forms and return them to the office or send them electronically to Ms. Stacy at stacy.margold@prestigeprivateschool.com as soon as possible.
Prestige School will be participating in Orange Shirt Day. This is a day when we wear an orange shirt to honour the Indigenous children who were sent away to residential schools in Canada. We also spend time learning more about the history of those schools and the effects on the Indigenous community.
On Monday, September 30th, students can wear an orange shirt, if they have paid $2. All proceeds will go towards the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund. This fund’s goal is to improve the lives of Indigenous peoples by building awareness, education and connections between all peoples in Canada.
Please send $2 with your child, to give to their homeroom teacher by Wednesday, September 25th. If your child will not be wearing an orange shirt, then Monday, September 30th, is a regular school uniform day – it is not casual day.
Thank you for your support.
This month Prestige School will be raising money for the 2024Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research.
Mrs. Amanda revealed this year’s challenge and fundraising goal. “If Prestige School raises $2200, then the top fundraisers will get to throw a shaving cream pie at Mrs. Amanda.“
Prestige School has raised $2000 so far. Help Prestige School reach our goal. Donations are collected online. Click on
https://schools.terryfox.ca/PrestigeSchoolToronto and then click on the DONATE button to give to cancer research. Please make sure to note your child’s name in your online donation, so that Mrs. Amanda can keep track of the top fundraisers.
Prestige School will be participating in the Terry Fox Run around the neighbourhood on Thursday, September 26th during first and second period. Thank you for your donations.
September 19
Picture Day
September 20
High School Progress Report Cards
September 23
Character Education – RESPECT @ 10:15 a.m.
September 24
DECA Symposium @ Chateau le Jardin
September 26
Terry Fox Run @ 9 a.m.
Casual Day
Pizza Lunch
September 27
P.A. Day (Whole School)
Zoom Parent/Teacher Interviews
September 30
Orange Shirt Day $2
Thanksgiving Food Drive: Sept. 30 – Oct. 11